Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Day the Virgins Cried...

Ahhh, yes... I remember this day... this glorious day.... the day when Many a Virgin cried, tears of despair and hopelessness, (in fact, many non virgins cried too)... why??

Cause its the day, Moon and I tied the knot (legally)... hehe...

So, here are pictures as I've promised earlier.. hehe....

Showing the date, which is the main reason why we waited so long before signing our papers, considering I've already proposed to her back in April when we were in China... hehe,.. that's.. another story for another day....
Here's the whole group of us... She's flanked by her mom, 2nd brother(Meng) & youngest brother (Fai), and me with the big show, Dr. Raymond Tan...
Ahh.. some glamour photo... I'm sure some of you can guess where this is, ... hehe... cmon, you know where this is....
Here's Ray and I before the ceremony... he's giving me a little taste of marriage life.. hahaha...Ok ok, not really..actually, he's just showing his appreciation to me for marrying such a "chun" babe.. haha...
This was taken right after we were "made up"... hehe.. yes. ... pour in the "gay"jokes... I will hunt you all down!!

I've got more, but you'll have to contact me directly and come find me to view them.. hehe... some real people contact wouldn't hurt now would it...

Oh, and lastly, I'd like to say that in photography, background plays a damn important role... The photos above aren't photoshoped, and they're not too bad.... and they were taken with a very normal Canon Ixus camera...yes, they look awesome... especially the ones in the taman.... ok ok.. .let me throw in a few more photos for you to criticue lah.. haha...

sweet sweet sweet.....

Btw, just for the record, this doesn't change my status as ...


Still horny as ever.....hehehe...


Doreen said...

well, at least u can be legally horny?

TheHornyBassist said...

wahaha... you should see the comments i get at my facebook.... "there'll be less rape cases reported in the papers after this.."... hai~~~

Anonymous said...

AhakZZ. But they still have faith in you. They said less rape cases. Not total eradication of rape. Ahhhh.