Thursday, July 10, 2008

Internet Security

I'm now currently under the slavery agreement with a Local Bank, to do their bidding and spend my productive hours locked away from the very things that give me life.... such as Moon (for those who have not been in the know, Moon is my fiancé), Football, Music & My Band, Movies, Good Food, Family & Friends.... and ... a new experience for me... limited online activities...

What I'm getting at, is the internet security & limited access to certain pages of the internet.... They've cut off all forms of messenger & totally blocked off certain websites, which I would believe to be from their perspective, a hindrance to productivity....i.e. friendster, yahoo buzz, meebo, all forms of file upload activities, .... hai~~~, while I may have some banters about it, I am still grateful that we have a little freedom to at least roam on YahooMail, all other websites which aren't that popular (in the eyes of the management), and even porn....

yes... to a certain extent, if the website url is "clean" enough, you can access porn in the office.... I have no intentions of doing so (not because I'm unwell, or professional, or feeling any less horny, but mainly because, If I had a meeting to go to, and I wouldn't want anyone else checking out my "work")...but today I accidentally stumbled upon a "fun-family-friendly-website", where family refers to 1 guy & 1 gal, irrelevant of the relationship.... so long as it's physical.. and when I clicked on one of the pages.... OOopppss... Boobs in my face!.... omg... but... having recovered from the surprise, they were quite pretty... haha... the Boobs of course...

oh well... moving along...

the bottom line of this post is that I will have a hard time trying to upload any pictures to go with my posts... which will suck big 'time... hai~~... oh well.. hmm... getting horny from all the big time sucking going on....haha...

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